This is a Court of First Instance judgement. It was issued last year, in June. Now is on appeal by Anfi. This second stage may take another year and a half or even two, depending very much in which Court of Appeals and Room deals with the case.
The Court declared null and void the two contracts my clients have signed with Anfi, one in 2007 and the other one in 2009, granting them with the return of the monies paid less the deduction set by the Supreme Court. So, in the first contract, from a total of 36,491.77 the amount to be returned is left in 30,491.08, whereas in the second goes from 40,000.01 to 35,200.08.
Besides this my clients receive another 40,587.94 euros as anticipated money, being the total "recovery" of 106,279.43 euros. The bad thing is that, and I don't really understand why, the Judge didn't award legal costs, anyway, so far, not too bad for my clients ;)
Now you know more about timeshare contracts in Spain, so if you want to get rid of it I am an independent lawyer and I can help you! Remember that preliminary advice is for free, Why not give it a try here?