Sometimes happens, very rarely to be honest, that the judgment exceeds the most optimistic forecasts, in this case, the Court of First Instance number 1 of Arona declares my clients' contracts void, condemning the defendants to return the proportional part of the price, for the years not used, which amounts to £ 43,379.50, in addition to the return of the money it was improperly advanced and was estimated at £ 38,000.
It is in this last section that I believe that the judge has given more than was due. The contract price was £ 19,000, with £ 9,000 being brought in from a previous contract, Trade-In. These amounts are not considered as advances by the doctrine of the Supreme Court. It also condemns the refund of double, that is, £ 38,000, when the same doctrine considers that the same amount that was paid must be returned, not double. Thus I consider that in reality the Judge should have ordered a refund of a maximum of £ 10,000, not £ 38,000. In any case, we will not be the ones who oppose such a return and it will be Regency who opposes - which they will surely do - this return. As soon as I have the appeal sentence - in about two years - I will continue to inform you.